August 8th, 2024

turning scribblanity off

It is time to turn scribblanity off. 

Installing updates.

in a type font, the words "you are 78% of the way there. please wait..."
in a type font, the words "you are 78% of the way there. please wait..."

Updates have been installed.

Your blog is now ready to read.


For a long while now, the blog scribblanity had been going off the track originally intended when it started. The blog was getting a bit too real, with facts and details being deployed about the author that, on reflection and occasional re-reads, the author wasn't comfortable with leaving available on the internet. In some ways, reading it again was like hearing a recording of your voice for the first time, and he didn't like it much.

He's odd like that.

On reviewing the posts on this site, and on re-discovery of some of the sort of content that used to pass as occasionally entertaining on other blogs the author has written, he has decided that the content that will appear on 'scribblanity' will now not cover his life anywhere near as much as he has previously written about. He will be trying to re-discover the humour he used to have in his character - or indeed, characters.

Although not finding the mostly factual style of writing as difficult to do as making stuff up, because he has actually lived through the experiences recently, he does find it harder to justify why he should be telling anyone else about it when they have their own worries  to cope with. They may well be a lot bigger than the trifling niggles he's going through.

He's happier with writing trivial nonsense, and having readers laughing at him for a moment (it's possible) and believing he's an idiot (it's likely), rather than having them dwelling thoughtfully on their or his reality while here.

For this reason, readers are encouraged to forget the recent tales and travails through the bouts of variable health the author has been writing about, and in future assume that if there is writing appearing here then he is at least alive for now.

If fresh content stops appearing at all, then it may be assumed that there is no such thing as ghost writers.

Not that sort anyway.

It is likely that all future content on this blog will be written by a committee, with the selection of the material that is actually posted being decided on by whichever voice in his head is loudest on that day.

The author thanks readers for sticking with him, if indeed they have, while he messed about doing something against his natural inclination, i.e. writing about himself.

He hopes that he can think of enough uplifting and entertaining stuff to write on these pages in future - hopefully enough that at least would justify him having paid out for a lifetime subscription to the blogging service it appears on.

Just in case you've never seen it, here is a link to the sort of post that entertains him.

Yes, you can expect things to go that downhill from now on.