August 24th, 2024

suspension of scribblanity

An informational posting.

Told you.

Scribblanity is pausing for a bit. A bit in the sense of an undefined quantity of time, rather than the smallest binary digit of information.

This is perhaps bad news for any of those odd people that enjoyed what was happening here, and were hoping to see it develop and carry on. The other few billion are nonplussed as usual. 

The truth is the author has booted, rebooted, and even origin-storied himself more times than Spiderman and Batman combined - and with as many different actors - but is still hitting the same mental brick wall he's struggled with since the first time he pulled the plug on his original humour blog, long ago in the early Covid years.

It was then that a friend, not even three weeks retired and looking forward to doing stuff, including starting and running a business with the author, contracted Covid at his retirement do, isolated himself from his family for a few weeks when he got home and, just as it seemed the worst was over, descended into a delirious state and took his own life.

Needless to say, the shock and aftermath of that event stopped many things in their tracks, but also placed a large barrier marked 'Do Not Cross' in front of the creative and jocular regions of the authors brain, and he suspects that the events of those years did a similar unreported, denied, or simply harrowing number on many of you worldwide.

The author has found it hard to generate the same enthusiasm for creating any regular fun in writing since. He has started no end of alternative personalities in a bid to bypass the barrier and recover his 'magic', such as it was, but where humorous stuff used to flow and he'd have multiple posts drafted and ready to go weeks in advance - whole series of stories, with episodes and recurring favourite characters, waking up with new ideas most mornings - he now struggled to find anything in his head at all, apart from cobwebs, dubious magazines, and a really old and curled-up half-eaten cheese sandwich.

It got to leaving it months between sporadic articles and pieces appearing on his blogs, and he couldn't ever seem to get the voice and the flow back. Experiencing a fairly tricky time with various health issues hadn't bloody helped either.

He has now accepted that the thing he was looking for over four years has gone, and that it probably isn't possible to get back to 'how things were' in blogging terms.

However, he still likes to write. Given a good mental energy day, a quiet house, and a working computer that isn't downloading a mysterious and unwanted update, he feels he can still knock out the occasional words - with letters in the right order in a string of logical sentences - that are maybe worth reading.

So, in accepting that he can't write like he used to, he will have a go at writing NOT like he used to. If it's to be about him and his life, it might be extremely boring, but at least it will still be him writing, and possibly a lot easier to keep up with if he's not always trying to maintain a humorous character's mask.

He bought a domain name. Clicking it when you're finished reading this may whisk you off to, where new things await.

Or it may go to a 404 Not Found page if he's not ready yet.

It's not a Rickroll. Honestly. What kind of immature idiot still does that these days?

Dare you click?

NB: I have used the word suspension here. I get like this, reluctant to commit to ending it today, right now, and I'll give myself an escape hatch. Then, one day soon, in a fit of absolute and complete certainty, I'll probably delete it entirely. And then instantly be filled with regret.