March 6th, 2024


I'm now using the Scribbles platform to do my blogging, with its much simpler interface for both readers and writers than I had been used to with WordPress.

The stripped-back editor format encourages and allows me to write short posts like this one (well OK, it was short, but it's growing every time I read it and add words to the draft), whereas the sheer size of the screen on the WordPress editor, full of menu sidebars on the left, more options sliding in down the right, choosing your plug-ins and blocks etc., always seemed to make me think that posting something as tiny as perhaps just a three line haiku was a waste of all that complication in some odd way.

All these fancy things! And I'm just posting a few words! ... Er... What were they again?

I mean, I have the memory of a particularly forgetful goldfish, so I don't need distraction.

I'm the same with notes software. If the app feels too heavy for just a quick note, my attention wanders, and the thought or idea I wanted to note down is gone as I focus on some feature I hadn't clicked on to see what it does before, or mess with which folder in the often added-to 'organisation' I want to put the note in.

But I'm glad to see that simpler blogging and web interfaces are still out here, staging a comeback even, and I'm happy to be a part of it here.

I'll have to do a proper short post next time.