May 27th, 2024

for readers of scribblanity

For transparency, here are the terms under which you are reading this blog.

Policy and Terms

i/. By engaging your eyeballs with the variable quality content on the scribblanity blog, you (the reader) give the author (t/a scribblans) the right to either entertain, deeply annoy, or disappoint you — often all three in the same post — by the provision of said variable quality content on this site by said author.

ii/. The author reserves the right to provide the variable quality content with a variable amount of factual accuracy, ranging from ‘looks plausible in a good light’ to ‘utter fantasy’.
On the rare occasions where the post could be perceived as close to factual, source links will be provided so that readers can see for themselves what has set the author off this time.

iii/. Readers should be aware that the author will always provide an appropriate level of value in his content for the amount of financial expenditure readers invest in visiting his blog.

iv/. In the event of disputed accuracy or difference of opinion about any part of the author's written posts, the author will carefully consider any complaint made, and evidence offered in support of said complaint, then cackle evilly after saying "Tosser," under his breath while deleting said complaint.

v/. The author very much appreciates readers sending comments about articles on this blog, and will endeavour to reply to those doing so, but warns replies may be construed as either mildly insulting or contain as little sense as the post does.

vi/. The author encourages the sharing of posts made on the blog by readers to promote the growth of the blog, but accepts that readers may prefer to keep their guilty visits to this site to themselves, or indeed just not bother coming again.

vii/. If, it any point, you (the reader) are annoyed or dismayed by the absolute shambles masquerading as variable quality content provided by the author (t/a scribblans) you are encouraged to click the ‘x’ button and sod off.

At this point, all previous agreements shall be deemed null and void and your actions treated as ‘fair enough’.

viii/. No user data about any reader of this blog will be extracted, tracked, or by any means recorded, then sold to advertisers who would be under the impression that if you visited this site you are likely to be extremely gullible and easily manipulated in to buying any old crap.

Your continued enjoyment or otherwise of this site indicates that you have agreed to the Policy and Terms, and are happy to continue providing your support for scribblans by reading his nonsense, which he largely writes for his own entertainment.

The author pledges not to use any artificial so-called intelligence in the writing of this blog, not to annoy them by popping up piss-poor and desperate pop-ups to sign up just two seconds after arriving at the site, operating a strict “no effing annoying humour-free flashing GIF’s” policy, and not to try to empty your pockets by — look in to my eyes, only my eyes, concentrate on my eyes, you are feeling sleepy — you now need to send him £10 for reading this post… Aaaaand awake.

Thank you for reading.
Oh yes you did.