June 9th, 2024

575 - northerly wind

I like doing 575 verses. Strictly, haiku don't have to be in the syllable format of 5-7-5, but mentally I need all the help I can get to stick to some rules even if they're made up, so sticking to the 575 gives me that.

Anyway, I sometimes publish a 575 format verse to describe the morning weather on my account. I use the hashtag #575Verse for them - I know someone will pull me up and say "Well, akshewly, it's not a real haiku," if I just use #haiku otherwise, and I can't be bothered to explain I know that already every time.

As you can see by the latest one that I'm posting below, I stick to the spirit of the original, beautifully poetic Japanese masters of the art and take it all very seriously.

northerly wind blows
tiny clouds in summer blue skies
it's still fucking cold