March 26th, 2024

new things

Scribblanity is on Scribbles, a simpler blogging platform - certainly simpler than I was used to with the mind-boggling and AI bandwagon-feeding complexity maelstrom that WordPress has become - that is still in beta as I write.

Consequently, it seems like there are always new buttons to press and options to tick see what they do every time I come to edit a post, as the developer, Vincent Ritter, adds and completes the functionality that he's aiming for by launch. I suspect this will carry on for a while after it has fully launched too.

I must admit, I don't know what the recently added services of and even are, or what they are for, so I probably won't be adding those quite yet. I did however take advantage of creating a Tinylytics statistics account to see if any of my rambling was being read by anyone else, using its basic - free level - page view count functionality.

What I've seen on there has surprised me, in that there are apparently readers.


Not only that, but despite me only announcing when I've made a post on my fediverse account - not being social enough to be on any other 'bigger' platforms as well - I'm seeing about four times the readership per blog post than I ever saw on the WordPress blog statistics. This is from a small, only nearly 300 follower account (which is about 295 more than I ever thought my mindless bumbling ever warranted).

This could be worrying.

Now when I post, I could have to be conscious of there actually being real people in a real audience on the other side of the screen, with feelings and things, which is not something I've ever considered before. They might have opinions about something I've said. Or want to argue over some "facts" or "details".

I might have to do some form of quality control.

Or, on the other hand, I could just carry on just like I've always done before and don't give a...  Oh, look, he's added a divider option in the editor too!

Yep. That works fine.

Where were we? Yes. If you do want to say anything about a post, like you enjoyed one (I'll say thank you) or you didn't (I'll ignore it) then I will be doing a proper contact page where you can send me any comments on email, being that the functionality for that has been added recently too.

Oh, go on, I'll chuck one on the end here as an example, just because I can now.

Alternatively, if you are on any of the Fediverse platforms, Mastodon etc., I normally post on my fedia social account here, and use the #scribblanity hashtag to identify a blog entry - which you either search for post threads on, or can also of course use as a keyword to filter out if it all gets too much.

Hopefully, with now being well on the road to recovery after a long time in a creative stasis with bad health, I can start to reduce the readership numbers to the sort of single figures I'm used to again, and perhaps even get some newcomers to flounce off loudly and angrily.